How to Improve Energy Efficiency of Windows?

By Published On: February 23, 20172.1 min read

Windows are often the major source of heat loss in homes due to several reasons. To transform your windows into energy efficient windows and to save your energy bills, you can do a lot of things. If you have old windows, you can consider replacing them with the new energy efficient windows. If you do not want to replace your windows, you can turn your old windows into energy efficient ones. Here’s what you can do to make windows energy efficient:

Improve Energy Efficiency of Existing Windows

You can improve the energy efficiency of your existing windows by caulking, weather-stripping, and using window treatments or coverings. Here are some things you can do to make them energy efficient:

  • Add storm windows to improve comfort and reduce air leakage

  • Add caulking and weather-stripping to prevent air leakage

  • Use caulk for cracks, joints, and gaps

  • Use coverings or window treatments to reduce heat loss in winter and gain heat in the summer

  • Use a clear plastic sheet on and inside the window frame to reduce drafts

  • Add tight-fitting window shades on windows

  • Install interior or exterior storm windows to reduce heat loss

  • Add white window shades to reflect heat away

Get New Energy Efficient Windows

If your home has old and inefficient windows, you must invest on a window replacement rather than trying to improve the efficiency of the old ones. The new, energy efficient windows if installed properly, help reduce the cooling and heating costs. When getting replacement windows, you should consider the following:

  • Replace Aluminium Frames – Aluminium frames let heat transfer easily. You must replace them with vinyl frames as they are much more resistant to heat transfer

  • Get Multiple Panes – For keeping the heat in and the cold out, double or triple paned argon filled windows are great

  • Have Tinted Windows – Tinted windows might not look very attractive at the front-side of your home. However, you can consider them at the backside of your house. With tinted windows, you can keep the unwanted heat and cold out

  • Consider the energy performance ratings when choosing new windows

If you use these guidelines to improve energy efficiency of your windows or if you replace your old windows with the new energy efficient windows, you will be able to reduce your energy bills. There are different types of replacement windows you can choose from. To know about all the energy efficient windows, you can get in touch with the window replacement experts.

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